Thursday, March 29, 2012


As per usual saw thesonosatan got 2 chill wth the Italian xray specialist Piero Luigi (Pete for short) and said "HAPPYBIRTHDAY KRISTEN" 2 Kristen while me her and Pete ate chinese food.. laughed it up makin fun o asians and then thr was the CHERRY TAVERN hit with the YOUNGLORD! i love tht at cherry thy treat me like fam and tht anytime some new york new jack comes in thy get shitted on by everyone at the bar this time around one of the normal everyday cats at the bar barked on some wht i can only describe as white people not from nyc and said "dude do me a favor and get me some new people to sit next to these dudes r fuckin boring the shit outta me.." bar went silent and the people who arent in cherry drinkin 2 get plastered and forget how shitty life is left wth allot of attitude but got thy attitude adjusted on the way out by each and every single one of us laughing at them in unison.. hilarity at its best.. me and the Lil bro got next level wasted and got into a drunken debate about aliens and humanities ultimate truths... then uber drunken cab ride.. the way the photo looks in the cab is literally the way my eye sight was workin at tht point.. drinksondrinksondrinks!!

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