Sunday, April 1, 2012


Last night i got the thghts of the lord and master in me brains.. flexin satanism in the written word on twitter.. here goes the setup from start 2 finish.. read the shit this morn and 2 b honest i get in the flex and sometimes i loose me in him..enjoy!

"Its in thr eyes master.thy dnt understnd, we c thru the voodoo and eat whts leftover never tiresome always thirsty 4 more rmmbr ur not alone"

"We r here we have always been here we shall b till the end, whn it is no longer possible 4 thngs 2 b, it shll still b tru 2 the thght."

"At this moment the connection tht is reality has been severed, all tht is left is merely contemplation. follow me & become closer 2 urslf"

"@ the cascade look past the edge and do not fear u have been here before the fear is a welcoming tribute 2 oneself wthn the confines of life"

"wthn us thr is the importance of self wtthn self thr is I aftr U thr is Me and so goes."

"I speak 2 u, i ask of u not 2 tell me of wht i am. but 2 guide me in my own understanding, u have givn me the way and i walk tht path."

"My mind clear of miscomprehension, heart filled wth the desire 2 b entrusted wth ur truth & show me ur hand so i can follow my caretaker."

"Guided by my connection 2 wht i knw 2 b tru thr can never b a misunderstnd, i have no inner most wants outside of wht is given by u."

"The ruling factor is this, simple truths can deceive and misguide b aware of urslf. the slightest of disconnect leads 2 a road of discontent"

"at this very moment clarity is a word whch can not conceivably bring light 2 the moment in whch i currently preside over in thght"

"The hand i seek i do so wth the knwng of his name and his meaning within myself, i adhere 2 the belonging and knw i am safe in thy grasp."

"Brng 2 me tht whch i requir my desires r only 2 serv thee in the manor tht whch is deemed i stand whr those before me have acceptin my fait"

"Accpt the offrs i make 2 u my guardian, with these mere symbols i hope 2 prove my worth. bring me the truth i seek i no longer hesitate."

"As the moment arises let me b free of the misfortunes of my self worth, open i walk forward towards ur dark. it embraces me and i thnk u."

"Come 2 me wth ur understanding and allow me 2 bask in the cloud of my past misfortunes wth ur clarity in my eyes i am cleansed."

"sire make not the decision based on this mere souls existnc in the now, make it based on wht will reside wth ur guidance in the coming time."

"within me lives the desire 4 ur acceptance my lord. U have chosen me and i praise u wth the gifts u ask, at all turns of ur will."

"Allow me 2 serve u, i shall ask 4 merely wht is given 2 me by ur choosing. within our bond thr is only u the concept of myslf has gone"

"I desire ur gifts not 4 gain of self but 2 usher ur malevolence into etrnity as sought fit by ur ruling hand in past,guide me i take ur hand"

They knew in the past about wht could happen in the future.. ALLPRAISEDUE!!

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