NOW, NOW, NOW!! I know what you’re thinking is he butt raping his own kids...twins at that...naw I think he just shows them his penis to set them up to be lesbians at an early age. That way he doesn’t have to worry about stealing they’re boyfriends later on down the line.
MAN O MAN O MAN!!! mis information can be a catalyst for stupidity at all levels..So you’re gay and you wanna get married so fuckin what let em live marriage means nothing to nobody but the person's gettin married get you’re fuckin head out you’re ass and fuckin read something..Worst part of it all is that folks of color you’re fuckin dumb asses helped move this fuckin dumbshit threw at a motherfuckin alarming 70 percent of yall (Hispanics and blacks) said yes cause you didn’t know any different and you all tend to believe TV ads..Well next time you wanna openly believe bullshit...take some bleach and drink that shit down..With some ice I saw a TV ad where they said it helps clean you out properly, trust me it works!!!
I enjoy ignorance and hate but discrimination isnt one of my thangs unless it’s against ugly stupid people..Gay or straight stupidity shouldn’t be accepted..Stand up for something..Or fall for everything..
Silly Los Angelenos real H8 is for adults..hey you think i didnt notice you trying not to notice me!!! nope i did.. i have extremely strong emotions..and guess what..i also hold grudges..tightly like youre grandmothers purse tucked into her bra.. im like werd its going down like that..and then sat down and thought that you know what,what other way should it go down..i mean im not like some sort of amazing person or anything im just FUCKING AWESOME!! and i shall prove it in the way i know how..its like when you wake up shit smells awesome and you know you are dope and you can run like a leaopard and youre skin is pasty and clear, like life being given to a dead bird at the hands of god. So ofcourse you need to look at me for the inhuman bastard that i am. All lookin good in his cardigans and shit...actin like im not worth anything..booo hoo for me cause i can b a prick.. wait no self hate..not in this posting you guys enjoy what i do so much you act the way you are supposed to like BITCHES.. i get a hard-on thinking about people disliking me then i cry while i jerk the shit outta my dick and cum all over you spirit and enjoyment..ahhh man that was awesome.. what am i doing right at this moment besides outtin the fact that i took it all to heart.. basically tellin you i took it to heart and now i want youres bloody,tasty goodness drippin onto my white polo undershirt...I luv you so much it hurts to smash you face in infront of youre parents..and yet im still doing potatoe chips you have one and you cant stop.stop.stop.stop.stop.STOMPYOUREFUCKINFACEINYOUFUCKININCOSIDERATEASSHOLE!!! god that felt good..i luv my blog!
How many of you would try and say something..And remember, we play for keeps on my side of the field we just don't throw pitches.. And just to let you know I endorse no one!
Not since the days of moving from D.R. to NYC have I had to enjoy the comforts of a good friend or family members home I thank you kwesi! even though you once had me come meet you in midtown only to find out you went to the movies we still stayed friends and I have never regretted it!!
But you did steal my Bushwich Hgh basketball jersey and my NORE mix tape with "Married 2 Marijuana" on it... and you once had the audacity to draft Kobe Bryant in our NBA Live league I never held any of it against you LOLOLOL!! luv ya!
1st of all theres mad thigh goin on in this video secondly beyonce' is a beast!! a song for single ladies where she drop the ring jay gave her at the end..HOLLAH!!
Kell's might be allot of things from child molester too just plain ol dumb dude from Chicago..I will always say this he does have a way with words (not written cause he cant read but im not holding it against him) It all makes sense too what happens when you lose someone near you over a mistake made..Eventhough he's talking about having just beaten his girl if you take out the word hit and add in "hurt" makes more sense.
My boy back home was tellin me about this shit and to be honest with you i can give two fucks about critical mass, its NYC assholes we got ill public transportation... but watchin anyone feel the wrath of the boys in blue always puts a smile on my face years of growing up in Bushwick and gettin the shit kicked outta me by the NYPD has made me luv them so much that i can only hope others are enjoying the beatings as much as i did..grow a pair....
i saw this pic and t-shirt on some douche bag and saw it again on one or two caucassions who i think now realized that africa needed saving...
wow history has finaly caught up to you my pale faced what 400 years later, yes save africa from youre own pasty faced all us colored folks from having to deal with youre stupidity take a trip to youre home land...wherever those caves ya came from are and stay there..matter of fact save me the trouble of even having to write this..i feel that i must live in by far the stupidest city this side of the mason dixie.. plus white people as the years have gone by ya get sillier and sillier..fuck equality i know we are wayyyy better than ya..just check everything ya taken from us..historicaly ya the biggest bitters on this planet, but its all good i luv too see shit we did as a coulture pop back up on pale faces cause it reminds me of why we stopped doing it in the first place, ya just eating off the dead carcass of old negro styles. keep on truckin or whatever the fuck ya say..
one day one day one day i shall be able to whip the shit outta one of ya and call it an art project and get paid by some white dude who wears those fuckin circular glasses that all gallery dudes wear.. and it will rule so fuckin hard..
as the saying goes,show me a whiteman who understands what lifes about and gets it. and i will put a bullet in his head..LOLOLOLOLOL!! or did i just make that up.
someone asked me "why do i always see you taking pics,but i never see any of them on youre blog?" then added "why dont you ever blog"
easy answer.
my life isnt that interesting and i dont wanna make it seem like it is plus THIS AINT NO PHOTO BLOG!!!
i leave that kinda shit too the pro's and the ho' photographers that do all the retouchin to make you ugly fucks seem photogenic and have the talent to take pictures that make sense..then theres the Ho's the ones that take pics cause they swear that having a digital cam makes them a photographer...that shit is as true as youre parents loving each aint no fuckin real just a whiteboy or girl with a camera..(i aint takin bout u parrot i got luv for youre brand of sillyness, i know you gonna ask me) this blog was created so i can tell shit the way i do..when i want to do it. aint nobody puttin up anything for me to get at this shit on the regular, and or i dont care that much..i mean i hate hard all day 365 but i dont always feel like sitting infront of the computer too write shit..
to recap..THIS AINT NO PHOTO BLOG..this is just hatefull shit written by a hatefull dude in a fucked up side of the country displacement is what lead me to start this and fuels me to hate even more so..
I ride for mad shit, from M.O.P too motherfucking Sho Kesuge mad shit...I ride for people and respect and appreciate all that has been given too me in all aspects of my life I have been blessed when it comes too having the abilities that I posses and the friends family and acquaintances that I have amassed in my life. All the situations ive gone threw with no matter who it was. I have understood my place and got it straight from the jump that no matter what it is I got too do it. And I speak on it cause I was there riding for me and my life plus whatever I believed in before and what I believe in now, allot of times its difficult to picture yourself standing up for something in this day and age there isn’t too much to believe in. growing up in BKNYC I did mad shit Bushwick no matter what it has become or better to say no matter what they try to turn it into still did good things when it came to getting sliced or robbed or just plain old hot summertime fistfights at the basketball court pick one Starr Park,Bushwick Park,383,Linden Park it was always worth every second. Shit is weird a motherfucker traveled around the U.S. as a kid doing dumbshit riddin for that knowing that shit was me I repped me, it all was a part of me cause shit I lived it bitch!! and the shit made sense. why be down with shit that doesn’t symbolize me and what im about..
I ride for mad shit son! I fucking spent countless hours doin as much as I could skating and living it up even though cats would straight try and dropkick you for doing that shit back when I was a kid in my hood cause that was "that whiteboy shit" being a whiteboy wasn’t cool back then is that shit cool now??! I wonder like when I grew up there wasn’t no black kids trying to be on some whiteboy shit cause we knew they stole from us not the other way around. we already wore suits and shit like that cause on the real that’s that paid motherfucker shit.. It aint got nothing to do with race on that shit. Anyway this shit is getting mad long and I aint trying to fucking take you down a walk threw my fuckin life im thinking right now what the fuck is the point of working mad hard to do anything of substance what the fuck you ride for when the shit you ride for is based on someone else ridin for it?? Yo like what the fuck mad motherfuckers eatin of bullshit like what the fuck happened to finding something new, everything is copied from something else done before anyway. If you tell me that you figured something out for free I wont believe you anymore cats don’t just figure shit out anymore they buy if from someone else that already figured out that you needed to learn BITCH! Jump!!
Im now faced with an understanding that most of my friends are contributing to the same shit I have contributed too we all worked hard to get somewhere cause of shit we rode for and would die for shit was always natural but all we do now, well let me speak for them cause why judged yourself that shit aint fun, its hilarious how anyone can point out how wack some shit is but give anyone a paycheck and that shit sinks quicker than rocks. Allot of you fucks are gettin fat off shit ya talked shit about I aint hating I don’t do that ...that shit is straight 6th grade trust I don’t need to hate you cause I rather you die! If its gonna be like that cause if you cant figure out that what you’re doing is just some adult shark shit and I don’t like it then fuck you!!
I aint saying nothing more than sometimes way more like all the time I lose respect for that shit and I know ya know how I feel I mention it anytime I get around specific people and I do it with as much belligerence as I can muster anything more would be a straight actual fistfight and im too old and always been smart enuff to not fight stupid people over there own opinion trust!!
I hear people saying shit about how they want something to do that doesnt make them feel like a straight dildo for supporting and or going too a lame happening, well bitches now ya can come out and support motherfuckers that care about youre enjoyment people who much rather play good shit and have you get ill crazed drunk than just look good and have our shit head friend take some snapshots so we can add them to a blog..come out and support actual dope shit in LA not just "shit" in LA.
RAMBO and me got a thing. First Blood was a killah!! That motherfucker comes back from NAM and all he wanted too do was get a hot meal and maybe some rest out in Oregon and he ends up gettin harassed by the fucking pigs and shit...they force his hand and the same skills that made John Rambo a Vietnam War hero ended up being used as a means of destruction against an oppressive police force.....
When this movie came out, my dad was doin it hard with the Ford Taurus equiped with TV's in the center console and everything think im liying ask anyone in my hood.. he was way above his time and his yae had nigghas doin the rogger rabbit (i would have said the uptown shake but that shit didnt exist)
Been reading other blogs and spending time gettin my vocab up, new yills most definitely no quills, shit is now on and poppin mad new shizz to spit on and even more shit to get hyped off of..
this is the new years "Its a wrap" up!! so sit back enjoy the pics and i shall continue to do what i do cause thats what i do.
Born and raised Brooklyn,NYC and recently transplanted to Los Angeles,CA in an attempt too find out how succesfull a man who tends to hate practicaly everything and react to new things like it will make him a leper,so far the experiment has gone decently.