Brooklyn born Rizzuto was one of the greatest to play the game, one of my idols. At 5'6 dude did it all, he embodied everything that is BKNYC and NYC in general, tuff as nails with the killer instinct that all pro players who excel at their sports should have and a heart of gold.
Most shall remember some of the bigger names too wear the mighty pinstripes..Damagio, Maris, Ruth etc..
Rizzuto was as big a star as any of 'em, I remember some of my favorite moments watching WPIX back home in NYC when I was a kid and the Yankees fuckin sucked dick (late 80's early 90's for those who remember we weren’t always the truth, just 90% of the time LOL!!) mister Rizzuto's punctuation of plays made on the field always made the worst Yankee loss seem like it was just another game that we let slip away (fuck yeah I used the word "we" im a Yankee fan too the death bitch!!) from his exclamation of "HOLY COW!!" when anything remotely exciting or outta the ordinary occurred too the colorful stories about his home life and O.G. tales of Yankee greatness mister Rizzuto was the best at what he did..He will be missed and always appreciated.

"I'll never forget September sixth nineteen-fifty. I got a letter threatening me, Hank Bauer, Yogi Berra and Johnny Mize. It said if I showed up in uniform against the Red Sox I'd be shot. I turned the letter over to the FBI and told my manager Casey Stengel about it. You know what Casey did? He gave me a different uniform and gave mine to Billy Martin. Can you imagine that! Guess Casey thought it'd be better if Billy got shot." Phil Rizzuto.
"Well that (Pope Paul VI passing away) kind of puts the damper on even a Yankee win."
The man just had a way with words..LOL!